Wednesday, March 25, 2009

12 Week Ultrasound

March 26th, 2009. We did it! We're officially 12 weeks today. The picture on top is a profile of our babies very cute face. The one on the bottom is a full view. He/she has grown 30% since our 10 week ultrasound! Baby measures 2 inches now; about the size of a lime and in case you're wondering (probably not) my uterus is the size of a grapefruit. I am "sorta" starting to show. We had some 4D shots taken but those were creepy looking so we decided not to post them but I'll talk about them. In those shots, it looks like our baby has three legs. The "leg" in the middle is the beginning of the genitals and seeing that the "3rd leg" looked quite big I am convinced we are having a little boy. We'll know for sure in just 6 weeks! Stay tuned...

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