Sunday, March 15, 2009

Feb 6th - 5 week Ultrasound

I have decided to switch to a CPMC Prenatal Doctor. Much better! At our first visit, the new Doctor requests an ultrasound. I am thrilled that we get to see our little bun on the big screen again. Me for the 2nd time this week and Rob, for the 1st. We are now 5 weeks 1 day along. Thankfully, the gestational sac is no longer empty - wohoo!!! The Yolk Sac has formed!!!! The Doctor assures us things are heading in the right direction at which point I begin to cry with relief. The bun is cooking! We are sent straight to the lab where they proceed to draw 12 tubes of blood that left me extremely weak and tired. I slept like a baby, pun intended, that afternoon.

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