Thursday, March 19, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect!

At the beginning of week 8 I kindly volunteered us (meaning Rob) to babysit for our good friends who probably hate us now. At this point, we were not sharing the news with friends and I was determined to keep it a secret until the 1st trimester was safely over. I must admit, I selfishly wanted to bail on our good friends because I looked like a train wreck from being sick, and a few additional LB's from the Pizza and Pickles didn't help. To my surprise, Rob forced me to honor our commitment to babysit and forced me to "get off my ass" (a rather difficult task for a pregnant woman but at least he didn't say fat ass, right?). Like a good Stepford Wife, I did what I was told then put on a "cute" outfit i.e. oversized poncho with black stretchy leggings (not so cute). It was our duty to make sure our friends felt we were competent enough to watch their child for a few hours. Mmmmm... not so much. As soon as they left I parked my ass on the couch and lie there like a beached whale and force Rob to watch Cayden (AKA cute baby boy in the picture). Rob was doing a great job the first hour in-between chasing Cayden and catering to my ice cream demands. The second hour things took a turn for the worse when Rob decided to let Cayden rock on his unstable rocking horse. The poor little guy lost balance and "lightly" hit his head on the ground. Ohhhhhhh SHIT! The kid is going to have brain damage and it's all our fault! Cayden began to cry but Rob put on his Daddy suit and took matters in to his own hands. He kicked the beached whale off the couch and rocked  the little guy until he stopped crying.  I must confess, he did an excellent job and it was very cute to watch, so cute in fact, that I managed to snag a picture of it.

PS - Cayden had a bruise on his head the next day. Rob and I have never felt so awful about anything but the good news is the bruise healed and there was no brain damage. Our friends claim they're still friends but I am confident they will never ask us to babysit again!

1 comment:

  1. That picture is hilarious. Rob looks terrified - kind-of like he used to look holding my children. I definitely think more practice is in order. Babysitting is obviously good, but maybe he needs something even more basic like a baby doll to carry around. - Carlin

    PS - Your blog is adorable - you're going to be so glad you recorded all these great memories.
